Time and Attendance Solutions for the

Education Industry

Cheat-proof biometric solutions

Biometric access control systems enable students, faculty, and staff to come and go from schools and university campuses whilst also barring entry to unauthorised intruders. The real-time attendance data they generate is cheat-proof, cuts down on time lost by teachers manually tracking attendance, provides an instant attendance report in the event of a fire or emergency, and meets the legal obligation of education institutions to accurately record attendance.  

Access Solutions for Education

  • Use biometric scans to track student attendance at secondary schools

    Our biometric fingerprint scanners enable students to enter class rooms with the touch of a finger and record attendance in real-time.  The same systems can also be used by faculty and staff like cleaners with attendance linked to payroll.

  • Use smart cards for flexibility at colleges and universities

    With student and faculty hours much less rigid at colleges and universities, solutions like our Flexnet card scanner are perfect for students and staff coming and going to lecture halls or seminar rooms or accessing libraries and sporting facilities. 

  • Secure lockers, equipment, and personal possessions

    Our biometric terminals can further restrict access to private offices, medicine cabinets, areas with expensive scientific or healthcare equipment, rooms storing hazardous chemicals and substances, even student lockers so that students no longer have to carry keys. 

  • Allow temporary access permissions for contractors

    Situated at main entrances and restricted areas, our biometric terminals and card scanners can be also be set up to allow temporary access for authorised contractors and maintenance teams.

  • Set up the system with minimal technical training

    For pupils and teachers, these ultra-secure systems are easy to use and require very little technical knowledge and training. In the case of biometrics, all that is required is an initial capture of the individual’s unique fingerprint, palm shape, or facial features. 

  • Ensure you adhere to The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012

    Schools and colleges need to comply with the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 which requires consent to be given by a parent or carer of any child whose biometric data will be captured or stored and gives pupils the right to opt out of biometric access control systems at any time. Click here to download the official UK Government guidance.

Time and Attendance Software for Education

  • See which student checked in or out in real-time

    Accessed securely on a PC or laptop, our Live Personnel Attendance Dashboard displays attendance data from students or faculty from every terminal or card reader in real-time. 

  • Pay teachers and staff what's fair now and in the future

    Timestandard’s software automatically deducts lunch breaks, late arrivals, early departures, holidays, sickness, even partial absences and the data can be imported straight into payroll software like Sage.

  • Track and manage student absenteeism

    Daily, weekly, or monthly attendance reports can identify individual student absenteeism. Attendance records can then be openly shared with students and their parents or carers to collaboratively assess the underlying problems and agree the best way to improve attendance.

  • Monitor and improve teacher performance

    Persistent absence by students from particular classes or lectures can alert you to teachers whose teaching style might be discouraging full attendance. At the same time, absenteeism from teachers or staff can alert you to personal issues interfering with their careers. 

  • Use attendance reports to meet the needs of Ofsted

    Good attendance levels are always scrutinised by the education watchdog, so having accurate and verifiable time and attendance data–benchmarked against historic attendance levels – is invaluable.

  • Run fire roll call reports on PC or mobile

    In the UK, there are over 1,000 arson attacks on schools every year, with a third of incidents committed by a pupil or local ex-pupils during normal school hours. With Timestandard, security staff can run fire roll call reports instantly on a PC or dedicated mobile phone. 

  • Reduce accidents and improve health and safety conditions

    Schools and campuses should be safe places to learn. Our software lets you record accidents and put in place training and preventative measures to reduce repeat incidents. Our accident record templates also meet the standards set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act. 

  • Showcase your duty of care

    With your school or campus secure and with attendance levels demonstrably higher, you can showcase your safety and attendance record to parents and students.

Book a free demo to find out how we can help ensure your school or college creates a safe haven for pupils and teachers
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Find out how our access control and time and attendance solutions help keep things moving for logistics firms in the UK.